"Preserving culture and identity: The Wunambal Gaambera Aboriginal Language Dictionary". Besides being modes of communication, languages preserve centuries of history, stories and traditions - when they disappear, an entire tapestry of knowledge and culture vanishes with them.
Prior to the arrival of the first settlers, an estimated 300 Aboriginal languages and more than 700 dialects were spoken around Australia. Today, a mere 120 remain.
The Wunambal Gaambera people understand this all too well, and their efforts to document, preserve, and revitalize their language are a beacon of hope for indigenous communities worldwide. The new dictionary is not just a compilation of words, it is a living document that embodies the spirit of their people - a key to understanding their history, and a guide for future generations to connect with their roots.
Designed to be user-friendly and engaging, the dictionary is a valuable resource for both Wunambal Gaambera speakers and learners. The dictionary's digital format, complete with audio recordings and interactive features, makes it an invaluable tool for teaching and learning the language. This is crucial because language revitalization often depends on the active participation of the community, and in particular, the younger generation.
In a world dominated by digital platforms and instant communication, the Wunambal Gaambera Aboriginal Lnguage Dictionary bridges the gap between traditional and modern perspectives, demonstrating that these two worlds can coexist and reinforce one another, placing a firm footprint in the pathway towards a more inclusive, culturally rich world, where every language has its place and every culture its voice.
More information and download links here
Image: working to compile the dictionary