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Australia's Golden Outback

Australia's Golden Outback
Develop & implement marketing campaigns
Collaborate with media and stakeholders
Engage with consumers through regular newsletters
Golden Outback Holiday Planners

The Gold Region Tourism Organisation Inc (GRTO) trading as Australia's Golden Outback was established in early 2004 following the development of the “New Concept for State Tourism” by the Western Australian Tourism Commission.

The Region comprises of four tourism precincts – Goldfields, Gascoyne/Murchison, Wheatbelt and Coastal sub-regions.

It is the recognised marketing organisation under the umbrella of Tourism Western Australia (TWA) formerly the Western Australia Tourism Commission and has the specific task of marketing and undertaking promotional activities that will establish the region as a highly desirable tourism destination for intrastate, interstate and international visitors.

Our mission is to increase visitor numbers to the region, extend the average length of stay and encourage visitor spending.

It is the intention of the organisation to provide regional stakeholders with a clear understanding of the promotional direction and key marketing activities of “Australia's Golden Outback” that they can work cooperatively with when considering marketing opportunities for their own tourism businesses.

The organisation will also work closely with the industry by taking a positive, proactive and integrated approach to developing defined marketing strategies, that will create a broader understanding of the importance of collaboration across the four tourism precincts within the region thereby encouraging tourism development and growing visitor numbers.

The objectives of the organisation are as follows:

  • To establish Australia's Golden Outback region as a recognised and highly desirable visitor destination.
  • To increase visitor numbers, length of stay and visitor spending in the region.
  • To manage stakeholder contributions to achieve the maximum and most efficient marketing outcomes for Australia's Golden Outback region.
  • To work with all industry partners and stakeholders to ensure that all issues of infrastructure and development, tourism-related communication and business opportunities of the region are best achieved.

Contact Details

195 Adelaide Tce

Location Map