Category: Bushfood Experiences, Cultural Tours
Cultural Tours
Smoking Ceremony
Aboriginal Art
Traditional Tools
Dreaming Stories
Aboriginal owned & operated
Hello and Welcome to Wonderful Nyoongar Country
Experience the World’s oldest living culture dating back 60,000 years. Step into the Dreamtime, learn about ancient dreaming stories and join in a yarning circle. Be guided on an ancient Dreaming Trail bush walk in Dwellingup, Western Australia, while learning about traditional hunting.
Join our Aboriginal Cultural Tours and experience Nyoongar culture and history.
Discover traditional ways of reading the land and join in sand-mapping.
Learn about Nyoongar bush medicinal plants, native foods, and see traditional fire making while viewing a traditional smoking ceremony.
Listen to the didgeridoo being played and join Maitland in painting on country and learn to paint artworks Nyoongar style.
Contact Details
Dwellingup WA